Along with the success achieved in the Sea Games, three Malang City racers continue to be flooded with various prizes. Including when participating in Car Free Day on Jl Ijen Malang City, three Malang City racers received another surprise, Sunday (18/12).

After joining the tour, the Mayor of Malang gave awards to Purnomo, Rully Ibnu Faroka and Elga Karisma Novanda for the gold medals they won. Where Purnomo won the gold medal in the number down hill, Rully Ibnu silver 4000 m team persuit, Elga gold BMX Cross.
In addition to receiving money, the outstanding racers of Malang City also received a prize in the form of a blackberry cellphone for six months of full service. And had the honor of going up to the podium to shake hands with the mayor and the Malang City Police Chief.
Purnomo admitted that he was happy with the various attentions given by the government, sponsors and the people of Malang City. With these various awards, the down hill racer from Malang City feels increasingly motivated to be able to achieve even higher.
“I started from zero and learned down hill in Malang City, therefore I am very happy that I can now reap the results of my hard work so far," said Purnomo, Sunday (18/12).
After winning gold at the Sea Games, Purnomo said his next target is to become a champion at the 2012 Riau PON, as well as the Asian championship. With his young age, the racer who once broke his shoulder is confident that he can achieve even more achievements.
Malang Mayor, Peni Suparto said he was proud of the achievements of Malang City racers in the Sea Games. With the achievements they achieved, it is only natural that arek-arek who can make Malang City proud should be given awards. (cah/dmb)