Monday, (19/12/2011), dozens of residents of RT 02, RW 04, Kiduldalem Village, Klojen District, Malang City came to the Malang City DPRD office. They intended to complain about the expansion of the Olino Garden Hotel, located on Jl Arismunandar, Malang City.

Dozens of residents came to meet the chairman of the Malang City DPRD. However, the person concerned was not there. The residents were only met by the council secretariat staff who asked for all complaints to be submitted in writing. The Sekwan will convey it directly to the chairman of the Malang City DPRD Arif Darmawan later.
Met by reporters, a representative of the residents, RT 02 RW 04, Islah Qomar said, previously the Olino hotel had often held discussions with the residents. But until now there has been no agreement between the two. "But the hotel is ready to mediate in accordance with existing procedures. That's their promise," he said.
Residents also asked for certainty of compensation according to the local residents' requests. Residents have submitted a written request, but the hotel has not responded. "We went there earlier, because there was no answer. Meanwhile, the construction of the widening has begun," continued Qomar.
Actually, I Qomar, all residents in RT 02 RW 04, reject the hotel expansion, because it is considered very dangerous to dozens of houses and residents' activities behind the Olino hotel. "If there is dust or other building materials that fall down, it will be dangerous, especially for small children and residents' houses. This is also caused by the height of the building," he said.
According to the hotel's statement, the Olino Hotel will have 2 more floors. However, according to the contractor, it will be 4 floors. "The most violation is that the construction has started, but the permit has not been issued. That is against the rules, and regarding the non-existent permit, it is also confirmed by the hotel," added Qomar.
The hotel, said Qomar, also promised to build various public facilities for residents living near the hotel. However, it was all just a promise. "Residents asked for compensation of Rp 1 billion. But from the hotel until now there has been no answer," he explained.
Residents will still reject the widening. "Residents will later demonstrate and ask for support from the Malang City DPRD, if the construction process is still continued. We have visited the Satpol PP and the Malang City Integrated Licensing Service Agency (BP2T), so that the construction will be stopped immediately, because there is no permit. The Satpol PP promised to immediately seal it if there is no permit," explained Qomar.
Separately, the Olino Garden Hotel, namely the Olino Garden Hotel manager, Arif Sidarta, when contacted by telephone said that the majority of residents had agreed. "There are only a few residents who reject it. Namely one RT behind the hotel," he said.
Asked about the permit, Arif admitted that he did not need a permit, but only an extension permit. "For more details on the permit, ask the licensing office. Because that is their business. It will be clearer if asked to those who are responsible," he continued.
When asked about the request for compensation proposed by residents, Arif said that the residents' request was irrational. "If they ask for compensation of Rp 1 billion, that's extortion. It's not compensation. It's only rational to ask for compensation. Because we're not going to build, but only add. That's why we only need an extension permit," he explained.
Arif added that residents should be proud that many hotels have been built. Because it will open up employment opportunities for the community. Many investors will come to Malang City. "It's not that they are rejected. Many investors will come to Malang if the facilities are adequate," he admitted.
Meanwhile, Head of BP2T Malang City, Suhariyono said, the widening of the Olino Garden Hotel has not yet submitted a permit. When asked what steps after residents protested? Phone contact with Suhariyono was cut off, and after that he still could not be contacted again. (say/dmb)