
Additional E-KTP Tools Cannot Be Maximized Yet

Some time ago, aid for the implementation of Electronic ID Card (E-KTP) in Malang City has arrived. In Kedungkandang District and Blimbing District received four additional units of equipment, Sukun District three units, and Klojen District two units. However, the arrival of the additional equipment cannot be used because it is not complete.

Implementation of E-KTP Some time ago
Implementation of E-KTP Some time ago

This was conveyed by the head of the population and civil registration service (Dispendukcapil) of Malang city, Rachman Nurmala to reporters, Monday (19/12/2011). As is known, in one unit of the E-KTP device consists of one computer unit, printer, camera, tool for iris testing and tool for fingerprints.

Of the additional tools that came to the five sub-districts in Malang City, most are still incomplete, such as the absence of fingerprint tools, and others. "Currently, the Malang City Secretary has sent a letter to the Minister of Home Affairs regarding the incompleteness of the tools and requested an extension of the implementation of E-KTP in Malang City," he said.

The implementation of E-KTP in Malang City, explained Rachman, is targeted until the end of December 2011. However, because the equipment has not been maximized, we are asking for a rational extension of time. "We also do not know when the equipment can be completed and used for the implementation of the continuation of this national program of the Indonesian government," he continued.

"Likewise for the deadline for the implementation of E-KTP in Malang City, we also cannot be sure when it will be completed. We hope that all the aid that comes can be completed immediately and used optimally in each sub-district," added Rachman.

The same thing was also confirmed by the Klojen Sub-district Head, Priyadi, when contacted via his cellphone. According to him, it is true that aid equipment has arrived in each sub-district, such as in Klojen Sub-district from previously only 2 units, now there are additional equipment. However, the additional equipment cannot be used optimally. (say/dmb)

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