Until today, the Malang City Transportation Agency (Dishub) has not yet appointed an official repair shop to handle this. cashier problematic city transportation (angkot) in Malang. Regarding this, in the near future Commission D of the Malang City DPRD will summon the transportation agency to confirm the problem.

As conveyed by the former chairman of the special committee for public transportation, Sutrisno to reporters when met in his office, Monday (19/12/2011). The Democrat Party politician said that his party would summon the head of the transportation agency this week, before the council's recess period. "In addition to the transportation agency, we will also invite representatives from the Malang City Transportation Owners Association (Permitama) so that there is synchronization," he said.
In addition to the two parties, Sutrisno continued, because the Trade and Industry Agency also has the authority to determine this official workshop, if necessary, we will also call the Malang City Trade and Industry Agency. "By sitting together and the DPRD members who are facilitators, it is hoped that the official workshop problem will be resolved soon," he added.
Separately, Risky Nurhamidiyah, as the treasurer of Permitama, felt that he objected to the repairs. cashier angkot is done in the Surabaya workshop, as has been done so far. "If for repairs cashier to Surabaya is very burdensome, because besides taking a longer time, there will also be an increase in accommodation costs," he admitted.
According to Risky, currently there are around 600 public transportation vehicles that need to be repaired immediately. cashiernya, and if not immediately repaired then the public transportation will not be able to take care of the roadworthiness test. In Malang city, Risky continued, VEDC is actually a workshop that is officially appointed by the Malang City Transportation Agency. However, until now the campus in the Arjosari area has not had a workshop that accommodates it.
If VEDC is already feasible, Risky urged, why doesn't the transportation agency immediately appoint one of the workshops in Malang City to accommodate it, so that in Malang City there is an official workshop appointed by the Malang City Government. "If in Malang City there is already an official workshop appointed by the Malang City Government, then it will be more effective and efficient in handling cashier angkot. Therefore, we hope that the transportation agency or the Malang City Government will immediately realize this," he hoped.
"We also hope that the Malang City Transportation Agency will not be selective when processing vehicle inspections or repairs. cashier angkot as has been the case. However, this has now decreased after the transportation department held a socialization of the angkot regulation to the permittama and also the drivers some time ago," he explained. (say/dmb)