
Ollino Garden Hotel Inspected by Council, Journalists Prohibited from Covering

Tuesday (20/12/2011) members of the city DPRD conducted a surprise inspection (sidak) to the Ollino Garden hotel located on Jalan Arismunandar, Malang city. Four council members who visited the hotel were Subur Triyono and Pujianto from the PAN faction and from the Demokrat Party faction represented by Sulik Lestyowati and Indra Tjahyono.

While the council members were talking with the Ollino hotel management, reporters only watched from a distance and were not allowed to follow them.
While the council members were talking with the Ollino hotel management, reporters only watched from a distance and were not allowed to follow them.

This inspection was conducted because the day before there was a complaint from several residents of RT 02 RW 04, Kiduldalem Village, Klojen District, Malang City to the council building regarding the addition of a hotel construction that did not have a permit, but the construction was already underway. In addition, the construction also disrupted the activities of local residents.

As is well known, such a sudden inspection moment is an event that is worthy of being reported by the press as news hunters and providing adequate information to the public. When the council members made a sudden inspection to the Ollino hotel, dozens of journalists from various media outlets joined the group to obtain real and balanced information.

But it is very unfortunate when the media crew followed the council members, the hotel did not allow them to follow or listen to clarification regarding the problems that occurred. The hotel, which was represented by the personal manager, Wandi, did not allow the journalists to follow the council's agenda when discussing with the hotel.

For various reasons, Wandi forbade these news hunters, because according to him, only 4 council members came and journalists were outside the duties and functions of the people's representatives. "If you want to confirm something related to the hotel, we will only accept 4 council members and no journalists are allowed to come along," he said while chatting in the hotel lobby with members of the Malang City DPRD.

Even Wandi had denied and stated that the news in the media today did not match the reality. When hearing the statement, several journalists who came at that time were very regretful and disappointed with the treatment of the Ollino hotel.

As conveyed by journalist, Yatimul Ainun, who said that fellow journalists need clear information and balanced news. "If this is the case, what is our responsibility to readers or the public," he regretted.

A similar thing was also conveyed by Surabaya Post journalist, Zainul Arifin. "We from the media here also work, and we are also protected by law, not carelessly reporting something. "We also have a great moral responsibility. If we are prohibited from getting accurate information or clarification, how can we reveal the truth or facts," he said.

Met after the inspection, Subur Triyono said that his party had conveyed to Wandi about the journalists' rights to cover the problems at the Ollino Garden Hotel. "I have told the hotel that journalists have the right to get real information and cover the discussion between the hotel and the council members, but they still forbid it," he explained. (say/dmb)

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