For companies that are unable to carry out the payment of the Malang City Minimum Wage (UMK) or other districts/cities for 2013, they can apply for a postponement of its implementation in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia Number: Kep.231/MEN/2003.
According to the regulation, companies are allowed to apply for a deferral, but only for a period of one year. And this deferral is valid until 10 days before the implementation of the UMK, which is January 1, 2013. In addition, employers must also submit requirements and agreements between workers and the company and/or wage council.
Those are some of the things conveyed by the Wage Council, Sapto Wibowo at the Malang City UMK Socialization event in the Malang City Hall courtroom, Monday (03/12). "In this case, according to the decision of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration, the agreement between workers and employers must be in writing. There must be a financial report, profit and loss calculation and other financial calculations for the last two years," said Sapto who is also a civil servant in the Legal Section of the Malang City Government.
For companies that are legal entities, Sapto continued, there are several other requirements, namely there must be evidence of financial audits from public accountants, there must be evidence of wages for one year, there must be a letter of request for a suspension for how many months, and there must be a production report from the company concerned.
"All of these requirements will later be submitted to the Governor of East Java, and the decision is entirely in the hands of the Governor, whether the application for the suspension of UMK payments will be accepted or not," concluded Sapto. (say/dmb)