So that the earth we stand on is not damaged, then humans who always inhabit the earth must be able to maintain and preserve it well. Likewise with animals, so that they do not become extinct, especially animals/wildlife.
That was what the Head of the Malang City Agriculture Service, Ninik Suryantini, said at the commemoration of National Love of Flora and Fauna Day, Tuesday (04/12) at the Malang City Recreation Park (Tareko) yard. This year's Love of Flora and Fauna Day is the 19th commemoration since 1993. In this commemoration, the Malang City Government held a plant and animal exhibition.
A total of 42 exhibition stands enlivened this event, starting from the Indonesian Orchid Association (PAI), zoology museum, animal lovers community, Gapoktan (Farmer Group Association) and representatives from SKPD (Regional Work Unit) of Malang City. In this event, because it contains educational value, hundreds of high school students were also invited, and later this event is expected to be a learning event for them.
In addition, Ninik said, her party hopes that human concern for plants and animals will increase, to protect and preserve them. In addition, according to the veiled woman, it is also to develop and remind of the importance of flowers and animals in human life.
Similar things were also conveyed by the Deputy Mayor of Malang, Drs. Bambang Priyo Utomo, B.Sc during the opening of this event, as well as by the Chairperson of TP PKK Malang City, Dra. Hj. Heri Pudji Utami, M.AP. They invited all elements of society to play an active role in preserving and developing these flora and fauna.
Between humans, animals and plants, Ninik explained, are links that need each other. And the most important thing is how to preserve flora and fauna, especially animals that are classified as rare. "If not preserved, then these rare flora and fauna will slowly become extinct," he continued.
Ninik added, by involving these students, they can learn more about plants and animals. Starting from how to care for them to grow them. "They can learn freely, because this exhibition will end on December 11, 2012," he said. (say/dmb)