
The Deliciousness of Red Breadfruit Guava

If you like eating guava, there's nothing wrong with visiting the Flower and Animal Exhibition stand at Malang City Recreation Park (Tarekot). Because at one of the stands, fresh red sukun guava is sold, just picked from the tree, Thursday (6/12).

Red and white Sukun Guava at the Redjeki Horticulture stand owned by Adi Kusumo
Red and white Sukun Guava at the Redjeki Horticulture stand owned by Adi Kusumo

The fruit is still fresh, making it feel crunchy when bitten, fresh in the mouth like climbing a mountain. The sweetness of guava is not only liked by adults, children also like red breadfruit guava.

No wonder even though the exhibition has been going on for two days, the red sukun guava sold by Adi Kusumo, a resident of Jl Mojorejo 64 Batu City, is still crowded with visitors. Not only buying guava, many visitors also seem to buy seeds.

Adi said that the red breadfruit guava sold at his stall is indeed the best-selling, because the fruit is large and still fresh. To be able to get quality guava like this, the owner of Redjeki Hortikultura admitted to getting it from his own garden.

"There is approximately 1 hectare of guava plantation in my place, usually if it is not sold at an exhibition like this, many buyers come directly to the plantation," explained Adi, Thursday (6/12).

Adi said, specifically for guava, it is indeed a hereditary business from his grandfather since 30 years ago. Therefore, even though the price of guava is currently fluctuating, guava from his garden never runs out of buyers, because it already has its own market.

"Not only red breadfruit guava, we also plant a lot of white breadfruit guava. It's up to the public to buy which one, because both have their own taste," explained Adi.

Over time, Adi said, currently his place has sold various superior plant seeds, not only guava. The fruit plants include jumbo avocado, ping pong longan, sapodilla, water apple, yellow srikaya, Hawaiian starfruit, durian, and various imported fruit seeds, and so on.

Exhibition visitor, Eni Wijayanti admitted that she was happy to get red breadfruit guava when she saw the exhibition in Tarekot, Malang City. Red breadfruit guava in the market is indeed quite difficult to find, therefore even though the price per kg reaches Rp 12.000, she still bought it.

"Red breadfruit guava is suitable to be eaten directly, the flesh is thick and the seeds are few. Made into juice is also delicious and healthy, because this type of guava is said to be able to speed up the healing of dengue fever," said Eni.

With a guava content of only about 2 to 4 seeds per kg, red sukun guava is classified as a large guava. Just one seed is enough to fill the stomach so that it is free from hunger. (cah/dmb)

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