
Losing, Being Insulted, Being Asked to Resign, It's a Normal Thing

Ahead of the rolling of the Indonesian Super League (ISL) competition in January 2013, various football teams that will compete in this prestigious competition certainly make various preparations, in order to be the best. In East Java, several held the East Java Governor's Cup competition. This event was held in Malang and Lamongan from December 26-30.

One form of Aremania protest
One form of Aremania protest

The competition, which was participated by six football clubs in East Java, finally brought together Arema Indonesia and Persela Lamongan in the final match at the Kanjuruhan stadium, Kepanjen, Sunday (30/12). Since the match began, both teams showed their best game to win the championship. On paper, Arema, which is filled with many star players, such as Christian Gonzales, Keith Kayamba, Beto Gonsalves and others, should have been able to win this match.

But the reality on the field was different from expectations, especially the dreams of tens of thousands of Aremania who filled the stadium at that time. The game presented by both teams, especially Arema, tended to be boring. Although both teams throughout the first 45 minutes traded attacks, but in the first half the score ended in a goalless draw, aka 0-0.

Entering the next 45 minutes, both teams did not launch their attacks. In Arema's camp, several player substitutions were made. However, Arema still had difficulty breaking through Persela's very strong defense. In the 71st minute, it was Persela's camp that managed to break through Arema's defense. One of Persela's forwards, Samsul Arif, was not guarded and managed to put the ball into Arema's goal which was guarded by Kurnia Meiga at that time.

After the goal, Arema's players increased the tension of the game by carrying out frontal attacks and tight pressing. Almost the same thing was also balanced by Persela's side, who did not want their goal to be penetrated by Arema's players. Several attacks and opportunities built by Rahmad Darmawan's team, to produce a goal were still difficult to realize and were able to be thwarted by Persela's players and goalkeeper, Khoirul Huda.

Disaster came to Arema in the 80th minute. Persela's forward, Mario Costas escaped from Arema's defenders and managed to add to the goal tally for the team nicknamed Joko Tingkir. Because they were already two goals behind, the stadium conditions began to become unconducive, and the supporters began to act anarchically by throwing things towards the field. Arema's coach, Rahmad Dharmawan, did not escape Aremania's criticism and told him to step down from coaching.

This condition worsened when the match was over, where the referee almost became the target of Aremania if not saved by the stadium security at that time. Aremania became increasingly difficult to control, and they began to push into the field to vent their anger because their favorite team was defeated by Persela. Thanks to the alertness of the security forces, Aremania were finally driven out of the field.

After the match was over, Arema coach Rahmad Darmawan responded casually to the insults from Aremania. According to the coach who is familiarly called RD, he was used to facing and experiencing such things. "It is natural that Aremania are upset because their favorite team lost today. I can accept that, and I am responsible for all of this. Going forward, we will make overall improvements to the team to face the upcoming ISL," he explained.

Meanwhile, Persela coach, Gomes De Olivera said that this victory meant a lot to his team. "We were able to win against a team as strong and good as Arema, and we achieved the victory at Arema's home ground, this is extraordinary. This victory is one of our team's main assets to welcome the upcoming ISL competition, although Persela still needs improvement," he said. (say/dmb)

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