
Free Schools Need IDR 300 Billion

In the General Budget Policy–Temporary Budget Priority and Ceiling (KUA–PPAS), the proposed budget for education activities in 2014 is Rp 174,5 billion. The budget is only able to meet the needs of free elementary–junior high school education.

Dra. Sri Wahyuningtyas, M.Si
Dra. Sri Wahyuningtyas, M.Si

If you have to-cover High Schools–Vocational High Schools, the total needs are estimated to reach more than Rp 300 billion. So, for next year, students at the State High School and Vocational High School levels in Malang City will not be able to enjoy free education. Because in 2014, the budget for the education post in Malang City can only covercover for free education at elementary–middle school level.

The limited allocation of the education budget was acknowledged by the Head of the Malang City Education Office, Dra. Sri Wahyuningtyas, M.Si. "The APBD cannot meet the total need for free education up to SMA-SMK. This budget limitation is caused by having to be divided with the needs of other school infrastructure development," he said, Thursday (05/12).

However, the woman who is familiarly called Yuyun explained, at least for next year, the free education program could have better results. "In addition to free education costs, we will also pay attention to infrastructure. We hope that all parties can participate in making this free school program a success," continued the woman in the hijab.

Yuyun further said, the proposed budget does not immediately make education for elementary and junior high schools free. There are several components that require the participation of parents. "Not all are free, some require the participation of parents based on mutual agreement," he explained.

"The budget needs of each school are certainly not the same. Therefore, we will see later what the agreement between the school and the parents of the students is like. However, we appeal that the participation fee does not burden the guardians and must be transparent in its implementation. In addition, the fairness factor is also important to be considered," concluded Yuyun. (say/dmb)

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