
Intensify Taxes, Sub-district Heads and Village Heads Gathered

In order to intensify regional income from the tax sector, the Malang City Government gathered 57 village heads and 5 sub-district heads in Malang City, Monday (16/12). The event entitled briefing or general briefing from the Mayor of Malang and the Regional Revenue Service (Dispenda) was held at ballroom Baiduri Sepah Cafe and Resto on Jalan Raya Tlogomas Malang.

Head of Malang City Revenue Service, Ir. Ade Herawanto, MT (center) while giving a press statement regarding regional tax intensification, Monday (16/12)
Head of Malang City Revenue Service, Ir. Ade Herawanto, MT (center) while giving a press statement regarding regional tax intensification, Monday (16/12)

Head of Malang City Revenue Service, Ir. Ade Herawanto, MT said that this event is to emphasize the task of tax collection, especially Land and Building Tax (PBB) and several other regional tax sources. "There are 9 types of regional taxes that we will intensify their achievement, such as PBB and Land and Building Acquisition Tax (BPHTB)," said Ade.

"In the implementation of this regional tax collection, later the Land Deed Officials (PPAT) will synergize with other related agencies, so that regional tax revenues are maximized. In January 2014, we will distribute Tax Payable Notification Letters (SPPT) to taxpayers," continued Ade.

The former Head of Public Relations of Malang City Government added that the achievement of regional tax revenue in Malang City until the end of December can be realized up to Rp 230 billion, or even more. "Our target this year is Rp 182 billion, after the Financial Budget Change (PAK) meeting, it increased by 20 percent and changed to Rp 210 billion," explained Ade.

For 2015, he said, we are targeting Rp 250 billion, and we are optimistic that we can achieve or even exceed it. "This is not without calculation, and one of our efforts is to gather the village heads and sub-district heads like today. In addition, Malang City residents, especially taxpayers, have begun to be aware of taxes. The real proof is this year's tax revenue," Ade explained.

Meanwhile, Sukun Sub-district Head, Alie Mulyanto admitted that he was ready to assist the Malang City Government, especially the Dispenda in achieving and collecting this regional tax. "We always socialize the importance of taxes to residents, especially those in the Sukun Sub-district area. We also put up banners and make circulars to support residents to be tax aware," said Alie. (say/dmb)

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