
Council Gives Input on RPJMD

Thursday (19/12), Malang City Government held a development planning meeting (Musrenbang) for the 2013-2018 regional medium-term development plan (RPJMD), at the Harris Hotel in Malang City.

Deputy chairman of the Malang City DPRD, Ahmadi (second from left) provides input regarding the preparation of the draft RPJMD, Thursday (19/12)
Deputy chairman of the Malang City DPRD, Ahmadi (second from left) provides input regarding the preparation of the draft RPJMD, Thursday (19/12)

Regarding this, according to the Deputy Chairman of the Malang City DPRD, Ahmadi, the thoughts of the Mayor of Malang, H. Moch. Anton about the RPJMD must be in line with the RPJMN. While the RPJMD which will be made into a Regional Regulation, its position must be clarified, as is the mayor's mission which must be supported by all communities and SKPD circles.

Ahmadi gave an example, such as for the education sector, for the next five years, it must be clearer. "For the first year of implementation, what will it be like. Because the budget of approximately Rp 175 billion for Malang City so far is still for the nine-year compulsory education that is free," he said.

"Meanwhile, for SMA/SMK, only 20 percent of the existing students are allocated. So not all high-achieving children, especially from underprivileged families, can be accommodated in public schools. This must be one of the priority concerns for the Malang City Government. Education is the right of every child of the nation," added the PKS politician.

He added, what needs to be emphasized in the preparation of this RPJMD is, the main point of the RPJMD must have connectivity with the RPJMN, and the RPJMD is not only editorial but must also have input from the community or other related parties. "From the various inputs, it is only boiled to become a draft of the RPJMD," continued Ahmadi.

In this context, Ahmadi continued, the Malang City DPRD is ready to continue and assist the Malang City Government in any discussions, and accept input from the community. "In the discussion of the draft RPJMD, it must also involve academics and practitioners, before it is later made into a Regional Regulation," he said. (say/dmb)


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