
Blusukan, Malang Mayor Helps Tlogowaru Residents

To prevent flooding, landslides, and so on, the community must encourage reforestation by planting trees. To plant these trees does not have to have a large area of ​​land but rather utilize the available land, such as the yard.

Malang Mayor, H. Moch. Anton saw firsthand the residents' houses that will be renovated, Sunday (07/12)
Malang Mayor, H. Moch. Anton saw firsthand the residents' houses that will be renovated, Sunday (07/12)

Meanwhile, in order to advance the region, facilities and infrastructure must support it. Such as road access, repair of culverts, public services in the form of ID cards, deeds, and so on. In this case, the Malang City Government has made maximum efforts, one of which is through the event blusukan village.

This was conveyed by the Mayor of Malang, H. Moch. Anton during a social event with residents of Tlogowaru Village, Kedungkandang District after the event. blusukan, Sunday (07/12). The man who is familiarly called Abah Anton also appealed for the young generation of the nation's successors to be pioneers in development.

In the dialogue, one of the residents asked about how to handle juvenile delinquency. According to Abah Anton, to overcome juvenile delinquency, one way is to popularize sports. In the future, precisely in 2015, the Malang City Government will provide assistance for a soccer field in the Tlogowaru Village area. "Currently, it is still in the process of land acquisition," he said.

The PKB politician also promised the people to reduce poverty rates even though poverty data changes every year. "We hope that the community will report the existence or changes in family composition or social status, so that government assistance is right on target," he explained.

“I have verified the data of poor people with the Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs Hj. Khofifah Indar Parawansa some time ago when she visited Malang City. So if there is a data error, it is not entirely the government's fault. The government has launched the Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS), Smart Indonesia Card (KIP), and Prosperous Family Card (KKS). With these cards, we hope that the community can enjoy them,” explained Abah Anton.

At the event blusukan This time, the Mayor of Malang symbolically provided assistance to students, underprivileged residents, school rehabilitation, and house renovation. Throughout blusukan in Tlogowaru Subdistrict, the number one person in the Malang City Government also took the time to visit residents who were sick. (say/yon)

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