The Bank Indonesia (BI) Malang Representative Office apparently not only cares about and empowers batik Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) but also distributes its assistance to other fields such as education. In this context, BI Malang provides cash assistance of Rp. 400 thousand to underprivileged students at Brawijaya University (UB) Malang.

Head of BI Malang Representative Office, Dudi Herawadi said that his party also has great concern for the world of education. "We provide a little assistance to students who have good academic grades and come from underprivileged families," he said, Thursday (18/12).
"So far, there are 20 UB students who have received the assistance, and there is still a quota of 20 more students. We are still trying to find it, and the assistance will also be provided at other state campuses in Malang. To get this assistance, the process is through a submission from a local higher institution," added Dudi.
When asked why the assistance was not also distributed to elementary education institutions, according to Dudi, it could be directed there. Indeed, for now it is intended for state university students. "For students who really have high academic grades, they can be accepted as BI staff without a test. Maybe just an interview is enough for us to accept them," he explained.
"Some BI assistance during 2014 was around Rp. 5 billion. The distribution was for economic empowerment, agriculture, education and others. In the future we hope to be able to cooperate with more stakeholder "So that the distribution of aid is more optimal and more parties receive it," explained Dudi.
For the distribution of these funds, Dudi did not want to mention CSR funds. (Corporate Social Responsibility), because CSR only exists in a company and BI is not like that. "This is purely a grant, especially for the economic empowerment of the lower middle class. Although the value is not that big, we hope it can help and be useful for those who receive it," he concluded. (say/yon)