The Logistics Affairs Agency (Bulog) Regional Sub-Division (Sub Divre) Malang is again holding a market operation. This time the sale of medium quality rice at a low price of Rp. 7.300 per kilogram (kg) was carried out at Comboran Market, Monday (09/03).
As soon as the market operation was held, residents immediately rushed to buy Bulog rice that was already in 5 kg packages. Anticipating long queues that sometimes could not be controlled, the Bulog Sub Divre Malang implemented a coupon system that was purchased by residents and then exchanged for rice.
Head of Bulog Sub Divre Malang, Arsyad revealed that along with the market operation at Comboran Market this time, Bulog also conducted market operations in two other places, namely in Singosari and Lekok (Pasuruan).
"Currently, we are carrying 7,5 tons of rice, we will continue to carry out operations to help the community until the price of rice on the market returns to normal," said Arsyad, Monday (09/03).
Arsyad added that the market operation at Comboran Market could be held thanks to cooperation with the Malang City Government, Kodim 0833, and the Malang City Resort Police. This activity is expected to help the community due to the scarcity and soaring price of rice that is currently happening.
After conducting market operations in Comboran Market, today, Tuesday (10/03), Bulog will conduct market operations in Blimbing and Pujon. With market operations like this, it is hoped that public demand for medium quality rice at affordable prices can be met.
One of the rice buyers, Sulastri, said she was happy to be able to buy rice at the market operation held at Comboran Market. This is because IR 64 rice is sold at a price of Rp. 7.300 per kilogram, whereas usually in the market or in stores the price reaches Rp. 10.000 to Rp. 13.000 per kg. (cah/yon)