
Malang City Communication and Information Office Educates on the Dangers of Drugs Through Interactive Dialogue

diskominfo-education-dangers-of-drugsThe increasing rampant abuse of drugs (narcotics and dangerous drugs/materials) has become a special concern for the Malang City Communication and Information Service (Diskominfo) to carry out early prevention. This time, the Malang City Diskominfo held an interactive dialogue about the dangers of drugs with the theme 'Creative Work Without Drugs (Narcotics, Psychotropics and Addictive Substances_ed)' at the Trio Indah 2 Hotel Malang, Wednesday (11/03).

In the event attended by representatives of BEM (Student Executive Board) throughout Malang City, KIM (Community Information Group), and also the Laskar Malang Community, it brought in very experienced speakers. Starting from the Head of Malang City Communication and Information Office Zulkifli Amrizal, S.Sos, M.Si, Head of Public Information Division Dra. Ani Rahmawiyati, M.Si, facilitator from the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of Malang City RM Achjadi, and former drug user Doni Andreas.

Head of Malang City Communication and Information Office Zulkifli Amrizal, S.Sos, M.Si said that this activity is an effort to campaign for a healthy lifestyle without drugs. From this activity, it is hoped that important information about the effects and dangers of drugs can be conveyed to the young generation in Malang City so that they do not fall into drug abuse.

"We hope that after participating in this activity, participants can inform their friends and those around them about the dangers of drug abuse," explained Zulkifli, Wednesday (11/03).

As time goes by, drug abuse currently takes various forms and is increasingly horrific. Therefore, with this education, it is hoped that Diskominfo can play a role in protecting the people of Malang City from drug abuse.

"Malang City is a City of Dignity, don't let Malang City's image as a good city be tarnished by drug abuse," said Zulkifli.

Meanwhile, the facilitator of drug counseling from the Malang City BNN, RM Achjadi said that in Malang City, the number of drug abuse is currently very worrying. From the results of the latest survey, from children to adults in Malang City, many have been poisoned by drugs.

"We hope that with activities like those organized by Kominfo, Malang City can continue to suppress drug abuse," Achjadi emphasized. (cah/yon)


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