The Malang City Government (Pemkot) will continue to strive to provide the best service to the community. One of these efforts is by improving transportation and providing mass transportation. Currently, there are school buses and tourist buses provided to the community for free.

All of that is highly expected and needed by the community, especially since there is no charge at all for passengers to ride the bus. Both buses are very appropriate in Malang City, even the Malang City Government was offered the Market Bus. However, it will still be studied, because it will have an impact on city transportation, namely on their income (angkot drivers_ed).
This was conveyed by the Mayor of Malang, H. Moch. Anton in the Presentation of the Results of the 2015 Wahana Tata Nugraha (WTN) Award Assessment in the Meeting Room of Malang City Hall, Friday (22/05).
The Market Bus, if it is realized, explained the man who is familiarly called Abah Anton, will also be free. For now, Malang City still rejects it. "The plan for the existence of this Market Bus is only for Malang City, and even at the East Java level. "This is one of the innovations of the Transportation Agency. In this context, because the commitment of the government and the community is in sync," he added.
"Besides that, Public Heritage Space will also be built next June. From Jl. Trunojoyo to Jl. Merdeka (Alun-alun Merdeka). So that people will prefer walking which can also be healthy. This program is collaborated with the program Smart (City) and Green city. The microlet system will also be updated, namely by adding AC facilities for example. Of all that, Malang City will be the highest investment city," explained the PKB politician.
Separately, the Head of the WTN Assessment Team from the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation, Pandu Yunianto said that this assessment is not an event that must be fought over, but to build togetherness between regional and central governments in the field of transportation. "In addition, it is also a means of technical guidance in regulating road transportation, so that it is in accordance with applicable laws," he explained.
“On Jl. Ijen when photographed from a double-decker bus (tourist bus) owned by Malang City, it was extraordinary. The arrangement of the sidewalks on Jl. Ijen has always been an example for other regions, and we always take it around Indonesia. We were also impressed with the School Bus. The picture is artistic, depicting school children. The green color is refreshing, and if the minister comes, don't hesitate to show it off," Pandu appealed.
Participation of BUMN (State-Owned Enterprises) through CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility_ed), Pandu continued, it is very good in Malang City. Other areas are still hoping for assistance from the Ministry of Transportation. "Every year we always provide assistance to other areas. Meanwhile, things that need to be anticipated, in the WTN assessment, include the arrangement of PKL (Street Vendors) and culinary centers," he explained. (say/yon)