Malang City Police Chief AKBP Singgamata, SIK apparently does not want any of his subordinates to occupy a position that does not match their competencies.

According to him, in accordance with what the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo ordered the Chief of Police regarding transparency, including in the career development of police members, his party is ready and will carry out the instructions.
"So now there is no more secretive nature of obtaining a position. In the Malang Police environment, if there is a vacant position, then I will auction it and open it to all members. I will later form a special joint team," he said, Saturday (27/6)
The team, explained the former Lumajang Police Chief, will consist of several officers and will conduct a kind of fit and proper test on police officers who will occupy a certain position.
AKBP Singgamata said that if someone holds a position, it is not because of a factor of closeness to him, but it must go through fit and proper test. "We are currently having some difficulty regarding the ranks. For example, for the position of Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police Sector, and Head of Traffic Unit," he explained.
"For the AKP position, for example, if there is no appropriate rank, then it can be temporarily filled by an officer. However, the status is only a temporary official while waiting for an official who has the rank according to the needs," he concluded. (say/yon)