For the security and smooth flow of homecoming traffic and other things that could happen during the month of Ramadan until Eid al-Fitr this year, the V/Brawijaya Regional Military Command (Kodam) claims to be ready to help secure Eid in the East Java region together with the ranks of the National Police.

In this case, the TNI will coordinate with the Polri, and the TNI is ready to deploy any number of soldiers requested by the Polri. The plan is that on July 7, 2015, a coordination meeting will be held with the East Java Regional Police in Surabaya to discuss Eid security.
This was conveyed by the Commander of V/Brawijaya Military Region, Major General TNI Eko Wiratmoko on the sidelines of the breaking of the fast together event at Makorem 083/Baladhika Jaya Malang, Monday (6/7). According to him, there are 30 thousand TNI soldiers in East Java, and if needed will be ready to be deployed.
"We will put all TNI soldiers on alert even though our role is only to monitor or provideback up "Just because the main task of securing Eid is in the Police ranks. However, we will continue to monitor points that are potentially prone to crime," added the friendly man, Monday (6/7).
What needs to be anticipated during Lebaran, said Eko, are traffic jams, muggings and theft. These things must be anticipated and must not be allowed to happen. "We must be careful so that such incidents do not happen. The community also needs to be alert and vigilant," he appealed.
Meanwhile, for Lebaran security, Eko continued, his party also collaborated with several related parties such as the local Transportation Agency and Health Agency. "We hope that during this Lebaran the situation remains safe and conducive, so that the community feels safe and calm," he concluded. (say/yon)