Malang Mayor H. Moch. Anton invited all levels of society, especially those in Malang City to continue to strengthen unity and always maintain conditions to remain safe and comfortable.

Do not let incidents that are related to ethnicity, religion, race, and inter-group (SARA) occur in Malang City. Religious harmony must continue to be maintained, so that horizontal conflicts can be avoided.
That was what the number one person in the Malang City Government said when attending the 190th anniversary of the Eng An Kiong Malang Temple, Sunday night (26/7). According to the man who is familiarly called Abah Anton, in this context the role of the Interfaith Harmony Forum (FKUB) is very important.
"In Malang City, FKUB is the best. Therefore, we are very grateful because so far there have been no conflicts between religions or tribes. We will continue to encourage FKUB to always coordinate and consolidate with related parties," added Abah Anton, Sunday (26/7).
Thus, he said, security and order in Malang City are well maintained. "The government, religious leaders, community leaders, TNI, Polri and civil society must work together to maintain security and harmony between religious communities," the PKB politician appealed.
Meanwhile, the Public Relations of the Eng An Kiong Temple Foundation, Bonsu Anton Triyono, said that his party together with other Confucian followers will continue to strive and synergize with the government, especially the Malang City Government in relation to participating in establishing and maintaining harmony between religious communities.
In addition, he said, Confucianism is also ready to play an active role in advancing this country. "We want this nation to be more advanced, better, and more prosperous in the future. One of them is in terms of reducing poverty and reducing unemployment. Whatever the best thing we can do for the government, we will definitely do it," said Bonsu Anton. (say/yon)