In order to commemorate the Islamic New Year 1437 Hijriah and also as a basis for self-introspection and as a benchmark in going through and filling the following year, Civil Servants of the Malang City Government received spiritual refreshment in the Meeting Room of the Malang City Hall, Monday (19/10).

Appointed as a speaker is KH. Abdul Wachid Ghozali who is also a religious figure in Malang who has quite a big name. This event was attended by approximately 150 people from all heads of SKPD (Regional Work Units_ed) in the Malang City Government.
The Mayor of Malang, H. Moch. Anton said that by holding this spiritual bathing, it can provide benefits for all of us in the meaning of migration and guidance in life from one year to the next.
"In this new Hijri year, it can help us control ourselves in doing good, forgive other people's mistakes and introspect. The most important thing in life is to improve hablum minallah and common sense "so that it can increase devotion to Allah SWT," added the PKB politician.
Have mercy on Allah has the meaning of serving Him, and Allah SWT commands humans to worship only Allah, and worship Him. Whereas common sense can be interpreted as loving each other and doing good to each other. "Hopefully this can provide knowledge and add spiritual value in increasing faith in Allah SWT," hoped the man who is familiarly called Abah Anton.
The next event continued with a religious lecture and prayer by KH. Abdul Wachid Ghozali. In commemorating this Islamic New Year, he said, we must always remember the meaning of hijrah. Do not forget the Hijri calendar because there is wisdom behind it.
"We can increase our piety and practice it by knowing the meaning of the big days in Islam. Islam is a religion of peace, and there are many noble teachings in it. Therefore, let us continue to increase Islamic brotherhood," said the man who is often called Kiai Arema. (say/yon)