What the Friends of Cancer Children (SAK) community has done deserves appreciation and support from various parties. Since Saturday (24/10) morning until evening, this youth community has given special time to entertain children with cancer at Saiful Anwar Hospital (RSSA) Malang City.

Taking place in the Setia Budhy Room in one of the rooms owned by the East Java Provincial Government Hospital, dozens of children with cancer gathered. In the event entitled 'One Day Playground' This community of Friends of Children with Cancer provides a place to play, coloring events and also painting. In this event there are also magic games and storytelling sessions for children.
Accompanied by their parents, these children with cancer mingle, play, color and look happy on their innocent faces. While in the hospital, they did lose the opportunity to play and go to school so they needed entertainment and time to play.
Thus, it will slightly eliminate their boredom while in the inpatient room. Among the children who are playing, there are even some whose hands are still in IV drip conditions and some still have IV bandages on their hands.
"This is the second implementation, and it is more lively than the previous month's implementation. Next month we will hold it again in this place," said the Chairman of SAK, Al-Qarana Britania when met on the sidelines of the event, Saturday (24/10).
The veiled woman added that she was happy to be able to share joy with these great children. "We call them heroes, because these children are able to fight the diseases they suffer from. Hopefully what we do is useful for them," Nia hoped.
Separately, one of the parents of a cancer patient, Choirun Nisa said that this event was very good and should be held routinely. "Events like this can provide their own spirit for children. Children will have the spirit to recover if it is like this," he said. (say/yon)