
FKPPI Gives Full Support for the Creation of Safe Regional Elections

Klojen, MC – The great work of the Indonesian nation to hold the 2017 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) received full appreciation from the Young Generation of the Communication Forum of Sons and Daughters of Retired TNI/Polri of Indonesia (GM FKPPI). In a joint assembly at Rampal Field, Malang, Saturday (28/11), GM FKPPI emphasized the readiness to realize the ideals of the 2017 Simultaneous Pilkada to run safely.

GM FKPPI standby roll call at Rampal Field, Malang, Saturday (28/11)
GM FKPPI standby roll call at Rampal Field, Malang, Saturday (28/11)

TNI Chief of Staff Vice Admiral Didit Herdiawan said that with millions of members, FKPPI can make a good contribution to the nation. Among them is to ensure that the Simultaneous Regional Elections can run safely.

"Not only supporting efforts to create a safe Simultaneous Regional Election, FKPPI must also be able to participate in supporting the nation's progress in various fields," explained Didit, Saturday (28/11).

GM FKPPI Central Chairman, Hans Silalahi said that he had instructed all FKPPI members to be neutral in the Pilkada. By acting neutrally and with good solidarity, it is an effort to continue to be able to grow GM FKPPI. "We always prioritize neutrality to continue to maintain the unity of the nation," said Hans.

Hans explained, according to the mandate of the TNI Commander, if there are FKPPI members siding with certain parties, then there will be separate sanctions. Including among them is to immediately remove them from FKPPI membership. (cah/yon)

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