Starfruit, MC – The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Malang City will conduct an economic census in 2016. This census is conducted to see the portrait of Malang City's economic development in the last ten years.

In order for the economic census to run smoothly, BPS Malang City conducted a 2016 Economic Census Socialization with the theme 'Providing Information for Business Development and National Competitiveness' at the Atria Hotel Malang, Tuesday (8/12).
Malang Mayor H. Moch. Anton who was present to open the event said that the economic census is very important for Malang City as a basis for making targeted policies. That is why the number one person in the Malang City government hopes that the people of Malang City will help make the census that will be conducted in 2016 a success.
"We hope that when the census officers come, the community will answer correctly. Because in this way, it is hoped that the real economic picture in Malang City will be truly known," explained the man who is familiarly called Abah Anton, Tuesday (8/12).
Meanwhile, the Head of BPS Malang City, Drs. Muhammad Sarjan acknowledged that the existence of an economic survey is very important to obtain policy data and planning for development programs in the region. "With the economic census later, we hope that the portrait of economic activities and growth can be captured comprehensively so that the foundation is stronger," said Sarjan.
Sarjan gave an example of the need for Malang City to conduct a census related to microeconomic development. With this census, the real conditions can be mapped further, thus facilitating coaching.
"The last economic census in Malang City was conducted in 2006, clearly the data is far from reality. Therefore, with the 2016 economic census, we all hope to be able to know more about its development," explained Sarjan.
Sarjan said that various businesses that will be censused in 2016 include industrial excavation, mining, electricity supply, hot water, waste management, recycling, finance, insurance. real estate market, education, etc.
Likewise in the fields of health, arts, entertainment. Where the scope will later include all non-agricultural businesses located in permanent locations such as in offices, hotels, restaurants, banks, factories, street vendors, surprise shops, and so on. (cah/yon)