Klojen, MC – Thursday (17/12), at Hotel Trio Indah 2, an Evaluation of e-Procurement 2015 and Preparation of e-Procurement 2016 as well as Socialization of SIMBAJA (Goods and Services Procurement System) for PPK (Commitment Making Officers) in the Malang City Government were held. This event was attended by 100 people consisting of SKPD (Regional Work Units_ed) in the Malang City Government.

The resource persons for this activity were the Head of the Procurement Service Unit (ULP) who is also the Head of the Development Section of the Malang City Secretariat Drs. R. Widjaja Saleh Putra, Head of the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of the Procurement of Goods/Services (P2BJ) of East Java Province Ir. Yuswanto, M.Si, Head of the Electronic Procurement Service UPT (LPSE) of Malang City Yuli Eka Ningtyas, SS, MPPM and SIMBAJA application consultant Chandra Eko Agustinus.
The Mayor of Malang, H. Moch. Anton in his speech read by the Assistant for Development Administration of the Malang City Regional Secretariat Ir. Budi Herwanto, MT reminded that this activity was intended to provide information on the implementation of e-Proc 2015 and to prepare the PPK.
They must prepare the procurement process of goods/services properly and correctly in accordance with the applicable presidential regulations. "The SIMBAJA application that will be used by e-Proc 2016 will provide convenience for PPK in sending data (upload and download) procurement requirements to the Malang City ULP," he explained.
Ultimately, it is hoped that PPK can improve the quality and capability in managing procurement of goods/services properly, correctly and without problems.
Drs. R. Widjaja Saleh Putra said, the implementation of e-Proc 2015 there were 386 packages (auctions) entered and 374 packages were completed. "Of all the packages entered by ULP, seven were canceled for auction, 51 were re-auctioned and five auctions failed," he explained.
"The failed auction in 2015 was caused by no bids being received, none passing the bid evaluation, none passing the qualification evaluation and the objections being declared correct," Widjaya added.
Chandra Eko Agustinus, SIMBAJA application consultant explained about the SIMBAJA application, while Yuli Eka Ningtyas reminded every SKPD in Malang City to make maximum use of SIRUP (General Procurement Planning Information System).
Meanwhile, Yuswanto, Head of the East Java Province P2BJ UPT and also the Head of the East Java Regional Board of the Indonesian Procurement Experts Association (IAPI) is doing more... sharing regarding procurement of goods/services to the participants who attended. "The procurement process of goods/services in the government environment must refer to the applicable regulations, so that everything can run well," he appealed. (say/yon)