
LPI Sabilillah Again Trusted to Host KNMR Throughout Indonesia

Lowokwaru, MC – Sabilillah Islamic Education Institute (LPI) Malang was once again trusted to host the 11th Indonesian Realistic Mathematics Nalaria Competition (KNMR) 2016 on Sunday (31/1) to Monday (1/2) after previously successfully holding KNMR 2015.

KNMR participants seriously work on test questions, Monday (1/2)
KNMR participants seriously work on test questions, Monday (1/2)

In this competition, participants from Malang Raya competed fiercely against participants from various regions such as Jember, Pasuruan, Blitar, Kediri and Tulungagung. Entering the semifinals, there were 1.078 participants showing their best abilities.

The head of the event committee, Fatimatusyifa, S.Pd., said that this event was the result of collaboration with the MIPA Education Clinic (KPM) Surabaya Branch, which then LPI took the initiative to become part of the organizer of the All-Indonesian mathematics competition so that the championship could be more interesting according to expectations.

"The Realistic Nalaria Mathematics Competition is a new breakthrough to improve students' insight, abilities, creativity, and interest in mathematics lessons," explained Fatima, Monday (1/2).

This effort also aims to encourage the improvement of the quality of mathematics education in schools and also to foster a healthy competitive atmosphere among students. The selection technique in the competition is distinguished by several levels. The questions for class one are the same as the questions for class two, class two is the same as class four and so on, but in the assessment each level will be differentiated. Participants are given one hour of test time to work on 25 multiple-choice questions.

The KMNR competition is an annual national level mathematics competition agenda. The plan is that participants who pass and are declared as students with the best results from each level will take part in the KMNR final round in Bogor City. Finalists will receive prizes in the form of medals and the opportunity to take part in international level mathematics competitions. (cah/yon)

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