
INOTEK Competition 2016 Malang City

Poster V3
The Malang City Government through the Regional Development Planning Agency, in order to increase the acceleration of science and technology development through the exploration of technological innovation and science and technology resources, will hold the 2016 Malang City Technology Innovation Competition.
Technological Innovation is a process of development, and or engineering aimed at developing practical applications, values ​​and contexts of new science, new ways or methods to apply science and technology in order to fulfill needs, continuity and improve the quality of human life. Technological Innovation can be in the form of research, development, demonstration and dissemination that leads to the development of science and technology.
This competition aims to provide appreciation to innovators for their optimal contribution in developing science and technology, and on the other hand to prepare candidates for superior innovators in Malang City to participate in the East Java Level Technology Innovation Award event which is held every year.
The innovations that are competed are innovations that are able to solve problems faced by the community in the region and the development of the potential of the Malang City region. This award will be given in 4 (four) fields, namely Technology Innovation in Agribusiness, Energy, Environment, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT).
The announcement of participant registration until the competition will take place in approximately four months (March – June 2016), with participant criteria to be determined by the Committee.
This competition is general and only for the Malang City area, because for other areas it will also be held by other regencies/cities throughout East Java.
This information is only a preliminary notification, while other information about the participant registration procedures, terms and conditions and criteria according to the field being competed will be officially announced on the notice boards in the Village, District, SKPD of Malang City and on the Malang City Government website in March 2016.

  1. daeng 9 years ago

    If there are 5 team members and they are not Malang residents, do they all need to take care of domicile certificates?

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