The field area of the dr. M. Munir Hospital (Rumkit) Abdulrachman Saleh Air Base (Lanud) was filled with members of the Abd. Saleh Air Base to watch the competition event. Hand Hygiene Dance accompanied by music and dance movements. The event was attended by nine groups, each representing each unit at the Abd. Saleh Air Force Base.

This activity was not in commemoration of World Handwashing Day (HCTPS) which is commemorated every October 15, but the Abd. Saleh Air Force Base Hospital held it in the context of the 2016 Hospital Accreditation.
Before the competition started, the Head of the dr. M. Munir Hospital, Abd. Saleh Air Force Base, Lieutenant Colonel Kes. dr. Ari Putriani, Sp.PK first gave a speech and said that the competition Hand Hygiene Dance This was held not only for the 2016 Hospital Accreditation, but also to remind and provide knowledge on how to wash hands properly according to procedures for members of the Abd. Saleh Air Force Base Hospital in dealing with patients and in everyday life.
The entire group consisting of six to eight people wore various unique costumes that were a requirement of the competition rules. The movements displayed must also be polite with musical accompaniment. Participants must also carry out six steps hand hygiene with hand scrub according to standards World Health Organization (WHO).
The assessment criteria are based on the six steps of hand washing movements carried out correctly and in accordance with the sequence, the unity of the movements, and the creativity of the staff. Participants from each unit performed hand washing movements according to the six main steps modified in the form of a dance accompanied by a song.
This competition also aims to provide education on proper hand washing to all hospital personnel as an easy, effective and efficient way to prevent and control the transmission of viruses.
The assessment team consisting of the Head of the dr. M. Munir Hospital, Abd Saleh Air Force Base, Lieutenant Colonel Kes. dr. Ari Putriani, Sp.PK, Head of the Abd. Air Force Base Program, Lieutenant Colonel. Adm. Indriyati, and Mr. Awan from the Islamic Hospital Unisma Malang decided that the first winner was group number three with a total score of 975 from the Garuda Polyclinic Unit, then the second winner was group number two with a total score of 969 from the IGD Unit, and the third winner was group number eight with a total score of 964 from the Boegenfil Room, Abd. Saleh Air Force Base Hospital.
Participants who successfully won each received a cash prize and a package of hygienic plastic containers handed over directly by the Head of the Abd. Saleh Air Force Base. He also gave souvenirs to the judges who had participated in assessing the participants. (say/yon)