
Two Abd. Saleh Air Force Base Pilots Ready to Undergo Education

Malang, MC – There are no shortcuts to becoming a professional and reliable fighter pilot, because all of this must go through various stages of education and routine training full of discipline.

Danlanud Abd. Saleh Marsma TNI H. RM. Djoko Senoputro, SE (right) pins on the sign of participation in the education of two pilots
Danlanud Abd. Saleh Marsma TNI H. RM. Djoko Senoputro, SE (right) pins on the sign of participation in the education of two pilots, Friday (20/5)

The education in question includes transitional education which was opened yesterday, Friday (20/5) by the Commander of the Indonesian Air Force Base (Lanud) Abdulrachman Saleh Marsma TNI H. RM. Djoko Senoputro, SE.

This event was held at the Opening Ceremony of Transition Education A-VII EMB-314 Super Tucano Aircraft Pilots at the Shelter of Air Squadron 21 Wing 2 Abd. Saleh Air Force Base attended by the Commander of Wing 2, heads of services, unit commanders, and other officials of Abd. Saleh Air Force Base.

Commander of Abd. Saleh Air Force Base in his speech congratulated two pilots, namely Second Lieutenant Pnb Richard Luxcy Susanto and Second Lieutenant Pnb Putu Pandu Pratama Putra who yesterday carried out Transition Education A-VII for EMB 314 Super Tucano fighter pilots. This is certainly an activity that must be based on motivation and fighting spirit as well as high discipline during the education.

Danlanud reminded the two students that this education was not the end of the teaching and learning activities, but rather the initial provision to become fighter pilots. Furthermore, they still have to undergo the next stage of education and are expected to be able to face the challenges of future tasks.

"With the conditions and limited flight hours, we should be able to make it a challenge while still being able to present high operational readiness so that we can provide accountability for the tasks mandated by the nation and state to all of us. That is why only personnel who have high discipline, fighting spirit and devotion will be able to drive the implementation of Super Tucano aircraft operating tasks professionally," explained Marsma Djoko.

The opening was marked by the pinning of the Transition Education A-VII participant sign, Second Lieutenant Pnb Putu Pandu Pratama (born in Praya Lombok, June 24, 1995) PSDP A-28 and Second Lieutenant Richard Luxcy Susanto (born in Denpasar, June 24, 1991) PSDP A-28. The transition education is planned to last for five months at Air Squadron 21 Wing 2 Abd. Saleh Air Force Base. (say/yon)

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