
Malang Mayor Reviews Pasar Besar Post Fire

Klojen, MC –  Malang Mayor H. Moch Anton inspected the Malang Grand Market, Sunday (29/5) after the fire that hit some time ago. The man who is familiarly called Abah Anton was accompanied by the Head of the Malang City Market Service Drs. Wahyu Setianto, MM and several teams from the Malang City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) to see the buildings and stalls of traders that were burned.

The Mayor of Malang, H Moch Anton, saw the big market directly after the fire occurred
Malang Mayor H. Moch. Anton saw firsthand the condition of Pasar Besar after the fire, Sunday (29/5)

Abah also reviewed the condition of the market on the second floor which was also burned. "After I saw there was a lot of debris from the fire that needed to be cleaned up immediately. Thus, the traders can immediately sell again," said the PKB politician.

Abah Anton will also order the relevant agencies to immediately clean up the building debris and also save the merchants' goods that can still be saved. "We don't have to wait long. Cleaning must be done immediately in the possible parts," he said.

After that, the Malang City Government will immediately coordinate with the budget team and the Malang City DPRD to immediately plan and budget the building repair costs.

"Repairs must be made, I am sure the council will approve the budget for this. This fire disaster concerns the lives of many people so it must be handled immediately," he said. (say/yon)

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