Malang, MC – Commander of the Abdulrachman Saleh Air Force Base (Lanud) Malang, Air Marshal TNI H. RM. Djoko Senoputro, SE accompanied by other officials of Abd. Saleh Air Force Base, yesterday, Thursday (9/6) welcomed the arrival of the Chief of Staff (Kas) of the Indonesian Air Force Operations Command (Koopsau) II Air Marshal TNI Donny Ermawan at VIP Room Abd Saleh Air Base.

The arrival of Kas Koopsau II and his entourage to Abd Saleh Air Force Base was in order to conduct a working visit as well as provide direction to the officers of Abd Saleh Air Force Base about the emblem (flight and work safety_ed). Before starting the visit to several squadrons, the entourage first visited the new Danlanud Abd Saleh room.
Next, Kas Koopsau II reviewed the new shooting range of Abd Saleh Air Force Base. Danlanud Abd Saleh Marsma Djoko gave an explanation about the construction of the shooting range located in the Amartha Complex area of Abd Saleh Air Force Base.
Then the group continued their visit to Air Squadron 21 which was received directly by the Commander of Air Squadron 21, Lieutenant Colonel Pnb Dedy Iskandar, S.Sos in the Briefing room of Squadron 21.
Kas Koopsau II also checked the condition of the Super Tucano fighter jet in the Squadron 21 hangar. "All problems will be conveyed to the upper command," explained Kas Koopsau II after seeing firsthand the condition of the Indonesian Air Force's pride and joy.
Kas Koopsau II also visited Squadron 32, 4 and Skatek by giving a briefing on the emblem for the officers in the squadron. Marsma TNI Dony promised to resolve all problems faced by the squadrons by reporting them to the higher command to find a solution.
Before continuing his visit to Surabaya, Kas Koopsau II took the time to stop by green house Abd Saleh Air Force Base. Kas Koopsau II was amazed to see various kinds of plants that were so fertile that were planted inside and outside the green house Abd Saleh Air Base.
Marsma Djoko then explained about the plants that exist in Green House. He also explained that Green House This is the result of cooperation with Brawijaya University and UMM as well as plant experts in Malang City. (say/yon)