
Mayor of Malang Wants to Immediately Realize Equality

Lowokwaru, MC – The public's hope that the existence of campuses and shopping centers will not only be concentrated in the city center and western areas of Malang City emerged when the Mayor of Malang, H. Moch. Anton, conducted a Public Greeting program at Program 1 RRI Malang at the RRI Regional Malang Station (24/8).

Mayor of Malang H. Moch. Anton on air in the Public Greeting program on Program 1 RRI Malang, Wednesday (24/8)
Mayor of Malang H. Moch. Anton on air in the Public Greeting program on Program 1 RRI Malang, Wednesday (24/8)

"We (Malang City Government_ed) have communicated and invited fellow universities to develop their campuses to the eastern part of Malang City. Including offering the eastern part for business development to business actors," explained the Mayor of Malang who is often called Abah Anton.

"Of course, support, sincerity and willingness from the community are also needed, because when business actors are ready, it is the community that is less ready," he added.

Accompanied by the Head of the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) of Malang City, Drs. Wasto, SH, MH, Abah Anton also revealed the character village development program through the Malang Design Festival, the Malang City development program for the next 20 years and strategies to overcome city congestion.

On the same occasion, the friendly man reiterated that the people of Kampung Warna-Warni should not charge visitors an entrance fee.

"Don't be counterproductive, what must be built is an empowerment model by developing souvenir, culinary, painting, and other businesses. So that this location becomes more meaningful, has character and is truly colorful," concluded Abah Anton. (say/yon)

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