
Weekend Service for e-KTP Recording Held Simultaneously in Five Sub-districts

Lowokwaru, MC – The Population and Civil Registration Service (Dispendukcapil) of Malang City continues to intensify the implementation of Electronic ID Card (KTP-el) data recording by means of outreach. In addition to active working hours and days, this recording is carried out on holidays, namely Saturday and Sunday as has been done previously, namely at the event car Free Day (CFD) and now in five sub-district offices in Malang City.

Head of the Malang City Population and Civil Registry Service Dra. Metawati Ika Wardani, M.Si (standing wearing a headscarf) while monitoring the implementation of data recording at the Lowokwaru District Office, Sunday (28/8)
Head of the Malang City Population and Civil Registry Service Dra. Metawati Ika Wardani, M.Si (standing wearing a headscarf) while monitoring the implementation of data recording at the Lowokwaru District Office, Sunday (28/8)

Yesterday, Sunday (28/8), this recording was seen being carried out simultaneously in five sub-districts. Weekend service This e-KTP recording is carried out simultaneously in five sub-districts every Saturday and Sunday with service hours starting at 08.00-14.00 WIB.

This is done to fulfill the target of the central government, that by the end of September 2016, e-KTP data recording can be completed 100 percent in all regions in Indonesia.

Head of Dispendukcapil Malang City, Dra. Metawati Ika Wardani, M.Si said that the number of residents in Malang City who must record data is around 77 thousand. Until now, as she said, at least 60 percent of that number has been completed. "By the end of September, we are targeting to complete 75 to 80 percent," she said.

The veiled woman added that Dispendukcapil actually hopes that it can be completed 100 percent. "We are talking about 80 percent because there are still many Malang City residents who are outside the city and abroad as workers or students, as well as residents who are 17 years old in October," explained Meta.

When asked about the readiness of the infrastructure, according to him so far there have been no problems and the recording process has run smoothly. Likewise with the e-KTP material, until now it has been fulfilled properly. Likewise, the enthusiasm of the residents can be said to be quite high, because every time there is data recording, many residents come.

"We appeal to residents who have not recorded their data e-KTP this is to do it immediately, because e-KTP This is very important and needed when processing a document. Document processing will be adjusted to the Population Identification Number or NIK, so that ownership e-KTP This is very vital," added Meta.

He further said that data recording and socialization about the importance of e-KTP has been done since 2011, and non-electronic KTP has been declared invalid since 2014. "For residents who feel they have not recorded their data, they are expected to come to the local sub-district and/or district office, as well as the Dispendukcapil office to get information related to this matter," Meta appealed.

When Dispendukcapil records data in the CFD area, sub-district office, or other public places, Meta said, the e-KTP will be ready within three to four days from the time of recording. After recording the data, residents will be given a receipt and the e-KTP can be picked up at their respective sub-district offices. (say/yon)

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