Klojen, MC – In addition to business actors, consumers also have the right to be protected. One of its legal powers is stated in Article 1 of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. The article states that consumer protection is all efforts that guarantee legal certainty to provide protection to consumers.

The Consumer Dispute Resolution Agency (BPSK) of Malang City was established based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 90 of 2001 concerning the Establishment of the Consumer Dispute Resolution Agency in the Governments of Medan City, Palembang City, Central Jakarta City, West Jakarta City, Bandung City, Semarang City, Yogyakarta City, Surabaya City, Malang City, and Makassar City, which is an institution that plays a role in resolving disputes between consumers and business actors outside the general court institution.
In handling consumer problems, BPSK has the authority to examine the truth of reports and statements from the disputing parties, see or request payment receipts, bills or receipts, lab test results or other evidence. BPSK's decision is final and binding on the parties.
BPSK Malang City, which was inaugurated on August 18, 2016 for the 2016-2021 term of office, is chaired by Luh Putu Eka Wilantari, SH, M.Hum. BSPK Malang City is committed to resolving consumer problems on the basis of win-win solution. Every complaint will be accepted according to the authority limits given to BPSK Malang City and will be free of charge.
If there are related problems and before entering the legal realm, it will be handled first by BPSK. Here is how to complain to BPSK:
- Write a letter of application to the Chairman of BPSK
- Fill out the complaint form at the BPSK Secretariat office which contains:
• Name, address of the complainant and address of the business actor being complained about
• Information about the time and/or place where the transaction occurred
• Chronology of events
• Complete evidence such as: Invoices, Receipts, Vouchers, Agreements, etc.
• Photocopy of the complainant's ID card and family card if necessary
This was conveyed by Luh Putu Eka Wilantari, Tuesday (8/11). He added that BPSK only handles civil cases that are in the form of direct compensation experienced by consumers due to errors or negligence of business actors. Immaterial compensation cannot be handled by BPSK.
"Dispute resolution in BPSK is done through mediation, arbitration, and conciliation. For mediation, the BPSK assembly acts actively to provide guidance, advice and suggestions. Arbitration, the BPSK assembly will make a final binding settlement. And conciliation, the BPSK assembly acts passively in dispute resolution," explained Eka.
In addition, he said, there are four pillars that must be held by BPSK members, namely increasing pro-consumer goods and services, creating legal certainty, intensifying goods and services, and conducting socialization to consumers so that they are smart in choosing goods and services. (say/yon)