Breadfruit, MC – Malang Mayor H. Moch Anton held a talk show with Farmer Groups (Poktan) throughout Malang City at the Tani Mukti V Farmer Group Meeting Building, Jl. Ketapang Port RT 3 RW 5, Bakalan Krajan Village, Sukun District, Tuesday (15/11). Head of the Malang City Agriculture Service Ir. Hadi Santoso and Head of the Malang City Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) Drs. Wasto, SH, MH accompanied the Mayor of Malang at this moment.

On this occasion, the Mayor of Malang, who is often called Abah Anton, emphasized that the Malang City Government has made efforts to improve food security. Because if it is solid and conducive, then there will be no problems, especially in the food sector. "Therefore, the government through the Department of Agriculture always makes efforts to improve agricultural production," said Abah Anton.
Another breakthrough that is no less important and will be realized by the Malang City Government to ease the burden on farmers is to reduce the Land and Building Tax (PBB) for agrarian areas. "We must ease the burden (of farmers) in order to increase productivity, besides the remaining agricultural land is not used up for things outside of agriculture," he said.
The Malang City Government in helping farmers has done several things including distributing agricultural tools that can increase productivity. "Nationally, maintaining food security must be done, regions must implement this, the government continues to motivate farmers to maintain agricultural land so that it does not run out," he continued.
The shared spirit between farmers and the government must continue to be maintained through various things including coaching and assistance with agricultural equipment. "Don't just have a ceremonial event, the government will directly monitor the welfare of farmers. Including farmers should not be trapped by loan sharks, because the issue of capital for farmers is also important," explained the friendly man.
Meanwhile, the representative of the farmer group, Nanang Junaidi, welcomed the efforts of the Malang City Government that cares about farmers. Various assistance that has been distributed through the Agriculture Service is very beneficial for the agricultural world, especially the plan for a program to ease the burden of agrarian PBB tax, which greatly eases the burden on farmers. "We are very grateful to the government," said Nanang. (say/yon)