
Ministry of Youth and Sports Trusts Malang City as Prototype of Youth-Friendly City

Jakarta, MC – The trust given by the Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sports to Malang City to be used as a prototype for a Youth-Friendly City led the Mayor of Malang, H. Moch. Anton, to become a resource person in the Synergy Workshop on Central-Regional Youth and Sports Planning at the Grand Sahid Hotel, Jakarta, Friday (18/11).

Mayor of Malang H. Moch. Anton as a resource person
Mayor of Malang H. Moch. Anton as a resource person

Attended by representatives of cities/regencies throughout Indonesia, in the event held by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Abah Anton, the familiar greeting of the Mayor of Malang, emphasized that steps to empower the role of youth should not only be measured by the availability of budget allocations in the APBD. That is also what might differentiate Malang City from other cities.

"The important role that must be played by the local government (regional government_ed) is to provide a forum and space so that the young generation can explore their ideas, concepts, creativity and innovations," said Abah Anton.

A supportive environment is an important point that must be put forward so that young people can move freely according to their dynamics. "In such a context, we encourage the development of creative industries whose motors are young people, and among other things, this is realized through containers Malang Creative Fusion," added the PKB politician.

Another important thing that was emphasized by the number one person in the Malang City Government was the importance of developing and encouraging patterns. bottom up and optimal involvement of the roles of youth, universities and the community.

Colorful Village, Glintung Go Green Village, Tridi Village and other thematic villages also originate from the smart ideas of the young generation and the community.

Seeing all of that, Abah Anton expects the involvement of the Ministry of Youth and Sports in particular and several representatives of ministries who are present and involved in the event (Bappenas, Ministry of PANRB, and Ministry of Home Affairs) to participate in accommodating creative activities in the form of facilitating a gathering place for creative children. (say/yon)

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