
16 Heads of UPT Health Centers throughout Malang City Inaugurated

Starfruit, MC – Malang Mayor H. Moch Anton inaugurated 16 Heads of Technical Implementation Units (UPT) of Public Health Centers (Puskesmas) throughout Malang City at the Malang City Health Office, Tuesday (17/1).
Malang Mayor H. Moch. Anton took the oath and confirmed 16 Heads of UPT Puskesmas, Tuesday (17/1)

Present at the inauguration were the Deputy Mayor of Malang Drs. Sutiaji, Head of the Malang City Health Service Dr. dr. Asih Tri Rachmi Nuswantari, MM, and sub-district heads throughout Malang City.

In his speech, the Mayor of Malang, who is familiarly called Abah Anton, congratulated the newly inaugurated Head of the UPT Puskesmas. "I hope that the additional duties that have just been carried out can be carried out well and with full responsibility to Allah SWT as well as to the government and the community," said Abah Anton.

Health services are one of the basic rights of the community, the provision of which must be carried out by the government as mandated in the 1945 Constitution, Article 28 paragraph 1, which states, "Everyone has the right to live in physical and spiritual prosperity, to have a place to live and to have a good and healthy living environment, and the right to receive health services," and Article 34 paragraph 3, which states, "The state is responsible for providing adequate health service facilities and public service facilities."

One form of health service facility for the community organized by the government is the community health center, which is the spearhead of the comprehensive and integrated basic health service system for the community.

Covering curative (treatment), preventive (prevention efforts), promotive (health improvement), and rehabilitative (health recovery) services. These services are aimed at all residents, regardless of gender and age group.

"In this case, health centers are required to always improve the professionalism of their employees and improve their health facilities or infrastructure to provide satisfaction to the community using health services," explained Abah.

"The role of a leader who has capability is very important in managing the health center entrusted to him, both as a manager who is tasked with carrying out management functions, as a... medical practice and public health workers. The head of the health center must be able to implement these three things so that the main task of the health center as a means of public health services can run efficiently, effectively, productively and with quality," said Abah Anton. (say/yon)

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