Lowokwaru (malangkota.go.id) - The Fish and Farmers Bazaar held in front of the Malang City fish supermarket turned out to receive an extraordinary welcome from the people of Malang City. The bazaar held by the Malang City Agriculture and Food Security Service was immediately greeted enthusiastically by the community.

Various processed products from fish and fresh fish can be enjoyed by the public at the Malang City fish bazaar. Starting from gourami, tuna, milkfish, squid from cultivation and processing fostered by the Malang City Agriculture Service are sold attractively in this place.
Head of the Malang City Agriculture and Food Security Service Drs. Indri Ardoyo, M.Si revealed that she deliberately opened a fish bazaar in front of the Malang City fish supermarket to introduce the many extraordinary products of Malang City residents. With the opening of a new market in Malang City, it is hoped that it can improve the welfare of farmers fostered by the Malang City Agriculture Service.
"There are many agricultural products, both cultivated and processed by Malang City residents, that are good. Now it's just a matter of how to introduce them to the public so they can sell even better," Indri explained, Friday (20/1).
Seeing the enthusiasm of the community in welcoming the Malang City agricultural bazaar, this activity will be carried out routinely every Friday. Activities like this, said Idri, will further complement the activity units of the Agriculture and Food Security Service in Malang City which previously had a farmer's market that was usually opened every Sunday at Rampal Field, Malang City.
A smoked milkfish seller at the Farmers Market, Bambang, said he was happy with the agricultural product bazaar at the Malang City Fish Supermarket. This activity makes it easier for entrepreneurs in Malang City to market their various products.
"The opening of this new market is certainly very exciting, we have more and more choices of places to market our products," said Bambang.
Bambang hopes that this activity can continue consistently so that agricultural products including processed products in Malang City can be increasingly known to the public. The reason is, many products from Malang City are still not known by the wider community. (cah/ram)