Lowokwaru (malangkota.go.id) – Deputy Mayor of Malang Drs. Sutiaji advised the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in the Malang City Government to continue to improve their performance, especially in the field of public services. This was emphasized by Sutiaji while leading the morning assembly in the yard of the Lowokwaru District Office, Malang City, Tuesday (28/2).

"Performance improvements must be made so that public services can be maximized. Thus, the community will also feel comfortable because of all that," explained the bespectacled man.
In addition to improving performance, Sutiaji also emphasized that village heads should convey various obstacles in the field when providing public services to the mayor or deputy mayor, so that problems can be solved together.
Not only that, the village heads and staff under them are expected to be able to synergize to form a good team so that the quality of performance is also in accordance with the targets that have been determined. "If internally, between the village heads and their staff below them is good, then performance will also increase. So there needs to be synergy together," he continued.
Specifically for the village heads, Sutiaji also appealed to them to be wise and prudent leaders in making decisions and to be able to solve problems with various approaches.
“A good leader is one who can identify problems, then take action.” problem solving with various approaches, both scientifically and specifically," he said. (say/yon)