Lowokwaru (malangkota.go.id) – Malang City is in mourning, charismatic figure KH Achmad Hasyim Muzadi passed away on Thursday (16/3) at around 06.20 WIB. Not only the people of Malang City who feel the loss of one of the members of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres), but the entire archipelago is also in mourning.

Military ceremony to see off the late KH Hasyim Muzadi who will be heading to his burial place at the Al-Hikam Islamic boarding school in Depok, West Java, Thursday (16/3)

The former Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board has been ill for the past two months and has been in and out of the hospital several times. The head of the medical team treating him said that the condition of the Caretaker and Mentor of the Al-Hikam Islamic Boarding School has deteriorated. "Kiai Hasyim was coughing, could not expel phlegm, had shortness of breath and did not want to eat," he said the day before the old cleric's death.

Since morning, residents from various regions have crowded the Al-Hikam Islamic Boarding School area located on Jl. Cengger Ayam No. 25 Malang City. Starting from local residents, religious leaders, community leaders, politicians, and others. After being purified, Kiai Hasyim's body was taken to the mosque in the Islamic boarding school complex to be prayed for.

One of Kiai Hasyim's sons, Abdul Hakim, revealed that his father did not leave any message before he died, either to his family or to anyone else. "Abah only gave a mandate that if he died, he should be buried at the Al-Hikam Islamic Boarding School in Depok, West Java. We will carry out that mandate, and hopefully Abah will have a good end," he said.

Separately, Malang Mayor H. Moch. Anton also felt a great loss of a great figure and cleric like Kiai Hasyim. The PKB politician said that Kiai Hasyim was a great cleric, respected, a national figure and his knowledge was worthy of emulation.

"When he was still alive, Kiai Hasyim once told me that as a regional head, I must always be patient, because there are so many people to look after, and to always keep Malang City conducive," he said.

After the Dzuhur prayer, the body was then laid out in the funeral home while a military ceremony was held. Not long after, the body was taken to an ambulance in front of the funeral home accompanied by honors from the TNI and Polri through a farewell ceremony. The ambulance and other entourage then headed to Abdulrachman Saleh Airport to be taken to Depok, West Java. (say/yon)

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