Jakarta, MC – Malang Mayor H. Moch Anton is scheduled to receive the 2017 Sindo Weekly Government Award at the Flores Ballroom, Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta, Monday (3/4) evening.

Malang City is considered worthy of receiving this award because it is able to become the best city in the City Planning category. This is proven by the growth of thematic villages, city parks, and pedestrians that are comfortable, safe, and have aesthetic value.
Malang City has twice won the Government Award held in conjunction with the celebration of SINDO Weekly's anniversary. Abah Anton, as the Mayor of Malang is familiarly called, will receive the award along with the best regional heads and inspiring regional heads in Indonesia based on several predetermined categories.
The 2017 Sindo Weekly Government Award is planned to be presented by the Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Tjahjo Kumulo, the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Villages and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia Eko Putro Sandjojo, the Minister of Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia Arief Yahya, and Hary Tanoesoedibjo as CEO of MNC Group.
Abah Anton said that the award received by Malang City further motivated him to be more creative in organizing Malang City. His party proactively invited all elements of society and companies to participate in the development of Malang City.
"With good city planning, God willing, it will also improve the welfare of its people. For example, Kampung Warna Warni in Jodipan, Kampung Tridi in Kesatrian, Kampung 3G (Glintung Go Green), Kampung Putih, Kampung Wisata Desaku Menanti, Kampung Budaya in Polowijen, and many more will be added. Of course, this will have a positive impact on the development of Malang City," he explained.
Abah Anton hopes for the active role of the community and universities in Malang City to realize this. "If the city planning in Malang City is getting better, of course it will encourage investors to invest more and provide CSR to Malang City," he concluded. (say/yon)