Kedungkandang ( – The chanting of prayers by the Aremania Sholawat Assembly accompanied the religious study held at Sawojajar Gang 19, Kedungkandang District, Malang City, Sunday evening (30/4).

Mulyadi, or familiarly called Mbah Gintul by the Aremania community, emphasized that the relatively new Aremania Sholawat Assembly was formed solely to provide a different color from the supporter community.
"Supporters are not just partying (in supporting the football team), but are also called to build things that are socially religious in nature," said Mbah Gintul as the elder of the Aremania Sholawat Council.
This assembly itself is held alternately in Aremania regional offices. In addition to the selawatan, uniquely in this activity, Aremania's typical songs are also sung but with a selawatan nuance.
"This is what differentiates Aremania from other supporters," responded Malang Mayor H. Moch Anton in response to the presence of the Aremania Sholawat Assembly.
In front of the congregation of the religious study group, the Mayor of Malang, who is familiarly called Abah Anton, said that he would complete the first period of his leadership by inviting the community to continue to maintain togetherness and develop creativity.
"What can strengthen Malang City is its people. No matter how fierce the challenges, including things that can reduce moral values, will not be able to shake Malang City as long as the assemblies continue to be revived and its citizens continue to be creative in development," concluded Abah Anton. (say/yon)