
Strengthening the Branding of Event Tourism City, Disbudpar Holds Religious Arts Festival Again

Klojen ( – The Malang City Department of Culture and Tourism (Disbudpar) continues to strive and innovate to increase the level of tourist visits and strengthen Branding Malang City as a tourist city event. Such as the Religious Arts Festival held on Saturday night (13/05) at the Merdeka Square of Malang City which is one of the concrete efforts of the Malang City Culture and Tourism Office.

Participants show off their skills at the Religious Arts Festival

In addition to welcoming the arrival of the Holy Month of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr, this activity is also to accommodate and provide space for artists, especially in the field of religious arts, so that they can create optimally.

These are some of the things conveyed by the Head of the Malang City Culture and Tourism Office, Ida Ayu Made Wahyuni, SH, M.SI when met on the sidelines of the event. According to her, events like this will be held routinely, so that they can attract tourists, especially foreign tourists. In addition, the Culture and Tourism Office wants to preserve traditional culture by frequently holding event like this.

"Malang City has very few natural tourist destinations, so one of the innovations is tourism. event like this. Various event, such as Padang Bulan, Flower Festival, Al-Banjari, Music Patrol, and others will be held continuously so that they will further strengthen Branding tourist city event," explained Ida.

The same thing was also conveyed by the Deputy Mayor of Malang Drs. Sutiaji who was also present on this occasion. He said that in addition to being a spectacle or entertainment, event like this is widely liked by the public. "The potential of Malang City in the arts is very high, so it also needs special attention and development," he appealed.

Event similar can be held specifically for street children, because according to the PKB politician they also have creativity that is no less and can be optimized. "Thus, they can be creative well so that it is expected to change their lifestyle and mindset in living this competitive life," said Sutiaji.

"If activities like this are carried out well, routinely, and there is special coaching, then it will also have an impact on the economic sector, namely the creative economy. Artists or parties who have talents can be developed and synergized with related fields so that the packaging is attractive and can grow the economic sector," added the bespectacled man.

In the festival which was attended by dozens of communities and representatives from 12 sub-districts out of 57 sub-districts in Malang City, four best participants were selected.

The first winner was won by the Raudatul Muhidin art group from Kasin Village, the second winner was the As-Sofa group from Sawojajar Village, the third winner was the Ar-Rohman art group from Penanggungan Village, and the favorite winner was won by the Al-Ikhlas group from Ketawanggede Village. On the sidelines of the event, the Deputy Mayor of Malang and the Head of the Malang City Culture and Tourism Office handed over donations to orphans and the poor. (say/yon)

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