Breadfruit ( – The performance of the Housing and Settlement Area Service (Disperkim) of Malang City according to the Mayor of Malang H. Moch. Anton has been felt by the community. He conveyed this when attending the halalbihalal of the extended family of the Malang City Disperkim at Jl Bingkil No. 1 Malang, Thursday (6/7).

Also present to accompany the Mayor of Malang, Chairperson of the Malang City PKK TP Hj. Dewi Farida Suryani, Regional Secretary of Malang City Dr. Idrus Achmad, M.Si, and all Heads of Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) within the Malang City Government.
In his speech, the Mayor of Malang, who is familiarly called Abah Anton, said that through halalbihalal as held this time, it is hoped that the bonds of friendship will always be maintained.
"As an individual and regional head, I would like to express my sincere apologies to all employees in the Malang City Disperkim environment," said Abah Anton.
On this occasion, Abah Anton also advised that the good performance that has been carried out by Disperkim can continue to be improved, because the results of the work and achievements that have been made so far have been felt to be beneficial by the people of Malang City.
"In addition, the sense of brotherhood and togetherness that has been established so far among the extended family of Disperkim deserves a thumbs up. I hope that it can also be imitated by other OPDs for the sake of improving our performance in serving the community," said Abah. (say/yon)