
Mayor of Malang Appreciates the 2017th MTQMN XNUMX

Klojen ( – The 2017th National Student Qur'an Recitation Competition (MTQ) in 28 which was held in Malang City from July 4 to August XNUMX, precisely at Brawijaya University and Malang State University (UM) received appreciation from the Mayor of Malang, H. Moch. Anton.

Mayor of Malang H. Moch. Anton took a photo together

Abah Anton, as the Mayor of Malang is familiarly called, in his speech at the MTQMN XV gala dinner in the yard of Malang City Hall, Thursday evening (27/7) said that this activity was very positive in an effort to strengthen the mental and spirituality of the community.

This was conveyed by Abah Anton in line with the efforts of the Malang City Government through a circular letter from the mayor appealing to the public to be fond of prospering the mosque by praying in congregation on time. "On behalf of the government (of Malang City), I really appreciate the holding of MTQMN in Malang City," said Abah Anton.

In the event attended by the Rector of Brawijaya University Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohammad Bisri, MS, Rector of Malang State University Prof. Dr. H. Ah. Rofiuddin, M.Pd, and representatives of the Directorate General of Learning and Student Affairs of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Didin Wahidin, Abah Anton emphasized that the MTQMN event was not just an achievement event, but also an effort to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood and unity. "Hopefully, with this MTQMN, it can foster a spirit of brotherhood and unity," he hoped.

Meanwhile, the representative of the Director General of Learning and Student Affairs of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Didin Wahidin, also hopes that through the XV National Student MTQ event, intellectuality and spirituality can be integrated. "So that this event can create a smart generation, both intellectually and spiritually," said Didin. (say/yon)

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