Starfruit ( – The Organizational Section of the Regional Secretariat (Setda) of Malang City held a Workshop on Bureaucratic Reform and Preparation of Regional Apparatus Action Plans within the Malang City Government at the Atria Hotel Malang, Wednesday (30/8).

Present at this workshop were the Regional Secretary of Malang City Drs. Wasto, SH, MH, Head of the Organization Section of the Malang City Secretariat Dwi Rahayu, SH, M.Hum, expert staff, Head of OPD within the Malang City Government, resource persons from the State Administration Institute (LAN) and members of the bureaucratic reform technical team consisting of representatives of services, agencies and technical institutions within the Malang City Government.
Regional Secretary of Malang City Drs. Wasto, SH, MH in his speech said that the role of bureaucracy is very important in the implementation of government. On the one hand, bureaucracy is the key holder for the progress of the country, but on the other hand, bureaucracy is also an object of development that needs to be continuously improved in order to be able to function to run the government well.
"The development of a professional state apparatus with adaptive characteristics, integrity, high performance, clean and free from corruption, collusion and nepotism, as well as being able to serve the public, neutral, and upholding the basic values and code of ethics of the state apparatus is a priority in the implementation of bureaucratic reform," explained Wasto.
This workshop brought in two speakers from the State Administration Institute (LAN). The first speaker was Ema Irawati S.Sos, M.Pol.Adm who presented the material on the Preparation of the Bureaucratic Reform Road Map, and the second was Meita Ahadiyati K with the material on the Practice of Preparation of the SKPD/OPD Bureaucratic Reform Action Plan. (say/yon)