Starfruit ( – The circulation of PCC pills (Paracetamol, Caffeine, Carisoprodol) received serious attention from the Indonesian Ministry of Health. Currently, the Ministry of Health is conducting an intensive investigation into the problem.

The Ministry of Health is collaborating with various parties, starting from the Police, the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) and other related parties to investigate and find the perpetrators of the distribution of the illegal drugs. Thus, it is hoped that this problem will be resolved soon and there will be no more victims.
These are some of the things conveyed by the Indonesian Minister of Health, Prof. Dr. dr. Nila Djuwita F. Moeloek, Sp.M (K) after opening 3rd National Annual Scientific Meeting Emergency Medicine, Saturday (16/9) at the Harris Hotel Malang. In addition to being dangerous, Minister Nila continued, this drug has also been banned from circulation since 2013.
However, the Minister of Health regretted that there were still some pharmacies that were still selling the banned pills. This incident was one of the focuses of the investigation by the team formed specifically by the Ministry of Health. Because sadly, the targets of the distribution of PCC pills so far have been children.
In relation to this, the Jakarta-born woman appealed to parents to be more serious and more intensive in supervising their children. "Not only officers or law enforcement officers, the community and parents must also monitor this phenomenon. If there is something suspicious, then immediately report it to the authorities," said Nila. (say/yon)