
Malang City Government ASN Suddenly Undergoes Urine Test

Klojen ( – After carrying out morning roll call, Monday (25/9), the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) within the Malang City Government underwent a urine test.

Malang Mayor H. Moch. Anton handed over urine samples to Malang City BNN officers

In collaboration with the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of Malang City, the Regional Civil Service Agency (BKD) of Malang City has prepared two places for urine tests, namely next to the lobby of Malang City Hall and in the office area of ​​the BKD of Malang City. This urine test is intended for 931 ASN of Malang City Government from the structural ranks and will be carried out for three days.

Malang Mayor H. Moch. Anton said that his party welcomed the holding of the urine test this time. It was proven, even though the man who is familiarly called Abah Anton was not registered, he spontaneously took the urine test voluntarily. "This urine test is also to check our health or body condition, so it is very good," he said.

He also thanked the ranks of the Malang City BNN who have worked together so far in handling and eradicating drugs. "If this urine test must also be carried out routinely within a certain period of time, we strongly support it," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of Malang City BKD Dra. Anita Sukmawati said that this urine test was deliberately carried out suddenly to anticipate and suppress drug abuse among ASN. Although there is no indication of drug abuse among ASN Malang City Government, urine tests are very necessary and must be carried out periodically.

"Urine tests like this were conducted in 2014, so it is reasonable to conduct them again now. This action is only an anticipation, and the results will be delivered by the BNN in the next few days because the urine test lasts for three days," explained the woman in the hijab.

Regarding sanctions if there are ASN who test positive for consuming or abusing drugs, according to Anita, sanctions ranging from light to heavy will be given. "According to PP No. 53 of 2010 concerning Civil Servant Discipline, sanctions for ASN who are proven to use drugs can be up to dismissal. However, this sanction is not immediately given, because it will still be reviewed how big the violation is," explained Anita.

Separately, one of the ASN of Malang City Government, Widayati, appreciated the urine test, even though it was done suddenly. According to this woman in a hijab, this urine test is one of the good efforts to maintain the good name of ASN, because so far there has been a lot of bad news or news circulating about ASN.

"This is for our common good. I hope that no civil servants of Malang City Government are affected by or abuse any type of drugs. With a surprise urine test like this, it will give a yellow light to civil servants not to touch various illicit goods, from time to time," said Widayati. (say/yon)

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