
Blusukan Held Again, Mayor of Malang Greets Bumiayu Residents


Kedungkandang ( – Malang Mayor H. Moch. Anton along with the ranks of Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) within the Malang City Government were present among the residents of Bumiayu Village, Kedungkandang District, Sunday (15/10).

Mayor of Malang when visiting a house that will receive house renovation assistance

The presence of the Mayor of Malang and his staff is in the context of a blusukan event combined with a community meeting event whose purpose is none other than so that the real conditions of the people of Malang City can be monitored directly. Starting from residents who need help, road conditions that need repair, old bridges that need maintenance, and various potentials owned by the community that can be developed can be photographed through this blusukan agenda to then take policy steps.

On this occasion, the Mayor of Malang, who is familiarly called Abah Anton by his residents, also visited residents of Bumiayu Village who were sick, and saw firsthand the houses of residents who were uninhabitable and would be given house renovation assistance.

Abah Anton expressed his pleasure in being able to hold another blusukan, this time located in Bumiayu Village. He said that blusukan had not been held for a long time because it clashed with the very busy schedule of various activities.

"I would like to thank the public for their extraordinary welcome. I need to explain that the purpose of this sambung rasa is to establish good communication," he explained, Sunday (15/1).

With good communication, there will be synergy between the city government and the community to solve various problems. Through high synergy and cooperation, the development journey in Malang City will produce real results and be beneficial to the community.

"We do blusukan so that we can get closer to the community. We are proud that the people of Malang City are united and harmonious," said the friendly man.

On this occasion, Abah Anton also explained that all development activities in Malang City have been budgeted through Musrenbang. However, if there are good programs that have not been included in 2017, then he will oversee the activities so that they can be budgeted in 2018.

Meanwhile, Bumiayu resident Untung bin Halal said he was happy that his house was visited by the Mayor of Malang and the OPD in the Malang City Government. Even happier, the father of one son also received a promise that the house he lives in will receive assistance from the house renovation program.

"Of course I'm happy if my house is renovated later. As a father, I've been nervous, worried that the house will collapse, because its condition is already rickety. My wife also wants to give birth to a second child," said Untung. (cah/yon)

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