Kedungkandang ( – Having successfully recorded impressive records throughout 2017, the Malang City Regional Tax Service Agency (BP2D) immediately prepared to take progressive steps to welcome the 2018 calendar.

In early January 2018, the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD), which was formerly known as the Regional Revenue Service (Dispenda), will...launching The Land and Building Tax (PBB) Tax Payable Notification Letter (SPPT) is a signal that the 2018 tax year PBB SPPT is ready to be issued and will soon be submitted to taxpayers (WP).
"With launching "At the beginning, it is hoped that the community can immediately pay PBB, so that they can take advantage of the opportunity for other needs such as the transfer of land & building rights, as well as other administrative needs that require proof of PBB payment," said the Head of BP2D Malang City, Ir. Ade Herawanto, MT, Tuesday (27/12)
BP2D deliberately made a quick move, even long before. Instead of slackening their performance because the target had been achieved before December, all officers who work in the Kedungkandang Integrated Office (Block Office) actually stepped on the gas throughout the end of the year. One of the agendas was to mass print the SPPT PBB.
"This has become BP2D's commitment to providing and improving regional tax services, especially Urban PBB to the community," continued Sam Ade d'Kross, as he is familiarly called.
Regarding the submission of SPPT in each region later, for WP with a nominal PBB determination below Rp 500 thousand, they can contact the local sub-district office or RT/RW. While SPPT with a nominal determination above Rp 500 thousand will be submitted directly by BP2D officers to the relevant WP.
If after-launching later the community has not received the 2018 PBB SPPT, then they can bring proof of PBB payment or the previous year's SPPT as a payment requirement. It can also be sufficient to show the Tax Object Number (NOP) because there is no increase in PBB.
Then for the payment can be done at the nearest Bank Jatim payment locations, or can be done via transfer from any bank affiliated with the Bank Jatim account number. The transfer process to the Bank Jatim account makes it easy for WP anytime and anywhere to make payments.
For further information, the public can come to the nearest BP2D Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) spread across five sub-district offices, starting from Blimbing, Lowokwaru, Klojen, Sukun and Kedungkandang Sub-districts. You can also contact hotline BP2D Malang City at number (0341) 751943 during working hours.
"We would like to thank all the people of Malang City for their active role and participation in paying PBB 2018 and we also urge you to supervise the process of depositing tax money and its use," he concluded. (say/yon)
I want to ask, what is the procedure for reporting a boarding house that disturbs the environment? It so happens that near my house there is a boarding house with about 15 rooms, the residents like to make noise, many of their guests ride motorbikes without license plates, like to rev the exhausts loudly….. have been warned many times but they are still stubborn….. have contacted the owner of the house but they are not cooperative, it so happens that the owner is not from Malang……. I am sure this house does not pay boarding house tax
Just a suggestion, it would be better if the boarding house regulation is more regulated, if necessary boarding houses with less than 10 rooms must also have an HO permit... because boarding houses are increasingly mushrooming, in addition to the social impact, sometimes parking problems also make things complicated, many boarding house children's vehicles park wherever they want in the village... especially for boarding houses owned by people from outside the city, they just sit back and receive money but the local residents are the ones who are inconvenienced...